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Emily Emotional Release with Mahara McKay tantric and shamanic arts
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This powerful Shamanic journey is a process of inner cleansing and transformation. Join us, as we delve into the depths of our emotions, engaging all aspects of a person's being – physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual.

With over six years of experience and having guided more than 1000 people in this holistic practice, Mahara will lead you through powerful techniques and compassionate guidance to move stuck energy and release pent-up emotions, traumas, and limiting beliefs. This embodied experience, will free you to embrace a life of greater joy, compassion, and authenticity.

Don't miss this opportunity to release what no longer serves you and step into a renewed sense of emotional well-being and empowerment, without the use of any substances.

Check out our upcoming events, save the date and prepare for a profound experience like no other!

This course is held in private or in small group sessions.

Mahara can speak English or German. The course language will be announced in the event description.



We do not recommend this workshop if you are pregnant or have serious physical or mental health issues, heart or respiratory illnesses and diseases.

No experience is needed.




Mahara will share with you some powerful tools to transform anger and negative emotions back into love, light and compassion.

You will have a loving held space to fully let go and release your anger and sadness.

You will feel extremely liberated and free after the workshop, as well as physically exhausted but peaceful in the mind and warm in your heart.

You will feel empathy, love and connection for the group.

You will tap into your inner wisdom and have more trust in life and understanding for your given situation.

You will feel a lot of gratitude, lightness and love.

​After this full-day intensive workshop, you will want some time for yourself to fully integrate and rest.

Don't underestimate the power of this work.




If you missed out, and would like to receive information for future "Emotional Release" sign up for our Newsletter here.




Befreie dich von schweren Emotionen wie Wut, Traurigkeit oder auch negative Selbstgespräche.


Jeder von uns sammelt in seinem Leben negative Emotionen, die uns blockieren und beeinflussen. Ganz oft sind das auch unbewusste Gefühle, alte Verletzungen und/oder Glaubensmuster die dich daran hindern in deine Kraft zu kommen. Die Ansammlung von verschiedenen Emotionen wirkt irgendwann erdrückend, einengend. Wir fühlen uns nicht gut, wissen aber nicht genau warum. Und aus diesen negativen Emotionen entsteht Wut. Doch mit Wut möchten die meisten Menschen nichts zu tun haben.


An diesem Tagesworkshop lernst du die positive Kraft hinter deiner Wut kennen und Mahara zeigt dir wertvolle Tools, die du auch in deinen Alltag integrieren kannst. Du lernst, was es bedeutet, die Kraft deiner Wut zu nutzen um mehr Liebe, Mitgefühl und Leichtigkeit zu fühlen. Du lässt Altes los und erschaffst dir Platz für Neues.

Nach diesem Tag fühlst du dich frei, innerlich ganz ruhig, bist voller Liebe und Dankbarkeit und du kannst deine Emotionen besser wahrnehmen und verstehen um in neuen Situationen einfacher damit umgehen.


Für diesen tiefen schamanischen Reinigungsprozess brauchst du keine Erfahrung.



"Thank you very much for this unforgettable, fantastic workshop last Saturday. I have enjoyed it so so much.


Experiencing that safe ambience, the openness and the gentle guidance and feeling the love was super rewarding.


I am happy I have found you and joined to this workshop. Your support team was also super. I just loved it".



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